
TuringFund is managed by Turing Analytics LLC, having its registered office at 123 Barrack Road, Belize City Belize that provides MAM (Multi-Account Manager) services. The legal structure of the company is important to understand for all investors, as it provides clarity on how their funds will be managed.

First and foremost, it is important to note that Turing Analytics LLC is not a financial institution and does not own investors’ money. All funds belong to investors at all times and can be easily withdrawn. The priority of the company is to ensure that the investors’ money is safe and accessible at all times.

To use the services of Turing Analytics LLC, investors must open an account on the Vantage Market website, which is a FCA-regulated and linked broker. The company operates based on a Limited Power of Attorney, where investors give Turing Analytics LLC permission to act on their behalf and agree to the conditions.

Turing Analytics LLC is registered and regulated by Belize’s Financial Services Commission, which means it can work with investors from any country except Canada, China, Romania, Singapore, and the United States. This restriction is due to regulatory reasons and the fact that Vantage Markets, our partner, cannot open accounts for these investors.

However, investors from any other country are welcome to use the services of Turing Analytics LLC as they have the right to freely dispose of their assets and deposit them wherever they wish. Going forward, no one can be restricted from accessing any website, including Vantage Market and local institutions and administrations.

It is important to note that Vantage Markets is responsible for the security standards of investors’ funds, not Turing Analytics LLC. This means that the security of the funds is in the hands of a regulated and trusted financial institution, ensuring that investors’ funds are protected at all times.

In conclusion, the legal structure of Turing Analytics LLC provides a clear understanding of how the company operates and how investors’ funds are managed. The priority of the company is to ensure that the funds are safe, accessible, and protected at all times. Investors from any country except Canada, China, Romania, Singapore, and the United States are welcome to use the services of Turing Analytics LLC.

All the supporting documents can be found here: